Türk Telekom: “Feels Valuable”
March 12, 2020
Turkey, which assumed the leadership of Turk Telekom way to move into the future, was the kickoff of a new era. The corporate brand promise was determined to be "Feeling Precious." Kenan Ä°mirzalıoÄŸlu became the new advertising face of Türk Telekom.
Türk Telekom announced its corporate brand promise in line with the core values ​​it represents at a press conference. Ümit Önal , CEO of Türk Telekom ; “When defining our new era; We aimed to be able to express the 'basic point of sensitivity' shared by all stakeholders, including employees, who have been in every corner of Türk Telekom, which has been serving people living in this land for 180 years. And we set our magic sentence as 'It Makes You Feel Precious'. As of today, as Türk Telekom, our promise in every work we do and our compass will be ' Türk Telekom Makes You Feel Precious'. Everyone who works at Türk Telekom, every customer who receives service from Türk Telekom, each supplier who cooperates with Türk Telekom, stakeholder will feel more valuable now. ”
Önal said , “We are the leader of a field like technology that carries the world to the future. They are the future of Turkey's most advanced technologies to develop a new generation of technology with national resources and infrastructure our country needs to work day and night to offer our own resources. While doing all this, we take our power from our country, the values ​​that make us.
Our “Türk Telekom Makes You Feel Precious” statement, which we developed by focusing on people, also points to 17 values: Human orientation, courage, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, leadership, innovation, agility, young spirit, excited, social issue, socially responsible, peaceful with its past. He said, “Native and national, values, productive and sharing.”
Underlining that they built the new era on customer orientation, Önal said , “Today, we are working ceaselessly to offer the best service to all four corners of our country, and we do not leave a place where we have not invested end-to-end. Turkey's Turk Telekom's infrastructure means that means infrastructure. With this consciousness; We will continue to exist in every step of the national technology transformation by bringing the customer experience to the forefront in 2020 ”.
Önal ; “We have increased the fiber infrastructure 10 times in the last 10 years. In 2019 alone, we introduced 3.2 million new households to fiber internet. We are the most ready operator for 5G. We aim to invest 5.8 billion TL in 2020. ”
Kenan Ä°mirzalıoÄŸlu became the new advertising face in the communication works of Türk Telekom, which prepared an advertisement campaign on 'Türk Telekom Makes You Feel Precious'. The first Türk Telekom commercial, starring Kenan Ä°mirzalıoÄŸlu, was launched yesterday (12 March Thursday).
İmirzalıoğlu, who made a statement at the press conference; "Turk Telekom adds value such as Turkey, a well-established company has witnessed the history of the country has given me great pride to come this way," he said.